Socorro County contains about 4,240,640 acres which is 6,626 square miles of land situated in the State of New Mexico.  And the federal government owns about 57 percent of the land within our county. The United States Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are responsible for managing over 2,262,731 acres of these federal lands and the State of New Mexico owns 13 percent, 551,042 acres.

Designating lands as wilderness does not assure its preservation. Left in an undisturbed or natural state, these lands are highly susceptible to wild land wildfires, insect infestation and disease, all of which degrades the natural and human environment.

My main point opposing the 30 X 30 Rule along with what is stated in both Resolutions is, the State and Federal Governments own approximately 69 percent of all land in Socorro County.  That means it is land that does not contribute to property taxes and GRT taxes to fund services to our county.  However, the county still provides services on that land. When there is a 911 call, we respond, when a road washes out we fix it. To expand federal and state land in Socorro County would be hard on economic development and the very basic ability of our people to make a living.

You see it more and more every day in our county.  Businesses are having a hard time making it.  We the county need GRT taxes and property taxes to be able to continue to provide the services to our citizens. I hope things get better for our county and our state and nation.

The Resolution Opposing the New Mexico Government’s 30 X 30 Land Preservation Goal and Resolution 2021-45 Opposing the Federal government’s 30 X 30 Land Preservation cover why our Commission is opposing the 30 X 30 Rule.

County Commissioner Ray Martinez