Superintendent and principal Bill Green welcomed and congratulated a standing-room-only audience Saturday as Alamo Navajo High School celebrated its 2024 commencement ceremony.
“I implore you to go out there and have exciting adventures in your life. Try new jobs, try things that kind of scare you or take you out of your comfort zone. Go out there and enjoy life and succeed; you all have so much potential,” Green said.

The school board members each shared words of encouragement to the class in English and Navajo.

“Don’t waste it on drugs and alcohol,” Padilla, the school board vice president, said. We have a lot of people from Alamo who have masters, doctorates, or Ph.Ds. They walked the same hallways you did, and they sat in that same chair, so please, seniors, don’t waste it.”

Pax Harvey, a comedian, and guest speaker invoked laughs and cheers during his speech.
In between jokes, he spoke about his challenges growing up in a shattered home and said he was a survivor of abuse and neglect.

“I’m not ashamed of it anymore. I wanted to better my life, so I went to school,” Harvey said. “This is the Rez boy who survived. I’m sharing that because it doesn’t matter where you came from; it’s where you are going.”

He encouraged students to spend their last summer at home with their grandmothers, “don’t go to basketball camp or science camp. I have a doctorate degree from the university of sheep camp, and my grandma was my professor. My grandma taught me how to survive and live in the world. I want to encourage you this summer before going to college or university, or military, please spend time with your grandma before you leave.”

Salutatorian, Claire Apachito, expressed gratitude for her teachers and encouraged her classmates to take advantage of the possibilities.

Valedictorian, Katelyn Stockham, discussed the challenges the pandemic had on her class and how they overcame those obstacles.

“Now, to my fellow graduates, as we go forth, please let us carry with us the lessons we have learned, the memories we have made, with a vision of a bright future. In ten years, I hope to see you guys be successful in your lives,” Stockham said.

The graduates were presented with their diplomas and went out into the crowd to give flowers to their loved ones while the slide show played. Confetti and balloons were released as the graduates exited the gym to celebrate with their loved ones.