Magdalena Valedictorian Krae Stephens reminded his fellow students their chapter of high school has ended but their adventures are just beginning during his commencement ceremony speech on Friday.

“As we stand here on the brink of our graduation, it is a moment filled with a myriad of emotions. We are excited, anxious, nostalgic, and perhaps a little apprehensive about what lies ahead. But amidst all of these feelings, one thing remains certain, we have made it,” Krae Stephens said.

He expressed gratitude to his teachers, coaches, friends and family.

“As we step into the next chapter of our lives let us never forget the potential that lies within each and every one of us to create a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come. Congratulations to Class of 2024. Our journey may have come to an end, but our adventure is just beginning,” Krae Stephens said. Salutatorian, Monique Baca, introduced by her uncle, wiped away tears as she walked up to the stage to give her speech.

“Everyone kept telling me to enjoy these years and that these are going to be the best years of your life; they were right,” Baca said. “But, in the end, all of it was preparing us for the life ahead. It all came down to this, high school is not the highlight of our lives, it is the end of the first chapter in the rest of our stories.”
Jim Sauer, the guest speaker spoke of his memories with the class of 2024 and encouraged them to contribute to society.

“A short seven or eight years ago, ya’ll sat in a chair that was too big for you and your feet couldn’t even touch the floor.  I know this because I watched your little legs pedal in the air back and forth about eight hours a day,” Sauer said.
The presentation of diplomas and turning of the tassel was followed by family and friends getting their hugs and photos with the graduates.