
Well, our 525 employees (federal politicians) we hired (voted for) are leaving Washington D.C. on another paid vacation (recess) without finishing their jobs!

As usual, their personal needs come first before their jobs!

They are going home to their “eviction free” properties, free health care, weekly guaranteed pay checks, food on their tables and other government employed guaranteed benefits.

They have not solved the problems they were hired to do for the company (country)!

They have refused to come together to help those people that have experienced personal disasters (hurricanes, tornados, unemployment, starvation, diseases, weak economy, etc.). There are parts of this business (country) that are still without power and other normal living conditions that were lost to them years ago even though Washington D.C. has passed funds to fix these problems (Puerto Rico, parts of New Orleans and Mississippi and other areas).

These funds mysteriously disappear into other’s pockets and nothing is done about it.

Do any of you know of a politician that has become “poorer” for being a federal politician? I certainly don’t!

Why aren’t these employees (federal politicians) “fired” for not doing the jobs they were hired to do?

Could it be a form of unions (political parties)?

This is a damn good reason for “term limits”, forcing them to actually work for us!

B. Hughes

Socorro, New Mexico

El Defensor Chieftain Editor