Here comes the new year, the window of time when we all get a pass on the lies we tell ourselves and others. Yep, I’m talking about New Year’s resolutions.

A new survey from Forbes Health released this year revealed that the majority of New Year’s resolutions last two to three months, with about 1% lasting for the whole year. So, what happens to us in March and April? For those of us in New Mexico I think it’s obvious, the problem is the wind.

I’m not anti- New Year’s resolutions, I think setting goals and having something you are working towards is a rewarding experience. What I don’t like is the idea that we only get one chance a year to do it. With the best of intentions, life happens, priorities shift and promises to our own selves fall to the wayside. Then all we can do is hope our confident social media posts are gracefully forgotten.

What I love about this time of year, at risk of sounding lame, are the end of year statistics. I’m a sucker for data. I love it when my apps confirm exactly how many times, I annoyed my family by playing the same song over and over. Miles, steps, heartbeats, screen time…. It’s all there. I even don’t mind the year-end warning that I listen to music too loud. Thank you, smart phone, but you are not my mother. There is so much random information my smart phone is tracking. It only starts to feel creepy if you think about it too long.

My favorite annual report when I worked at libraries was the circulation numbers. Even though there is no guarantee that the books were actually read, it still made my heart happy. Here at the newspaper, I indulge on analytics of the most clicked stories online which I’m excited to share with you all in our next edition.

With all those reports on hand, maybe it’s not such a bad time to set goals for next year.

If it doesn’t work out, we can just try again after the wind dies down. We can’t let the wind make mentirosas y mentirosos out of us.