The Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting on Aug. 8 covered a lot of business and ran nearly three hours long.

Here are brief reports from that meeting:

Improvements in San Antonio Park are ongoing. Concrete debris and flood silt are being removed, unusable tables are being dismantled and the sprinkler system located and inspected.

The Escondida Lake improvement project has been finalized, authorized, and placed on the ICIP list.

The commissioners considered ICIP items and prioritized them for submission for funding. The motion was passed, and they are, in order:

  1. Sheriff vehicle purchasing
  2. Courthouse windows
  3. County Road 9 drainage work
  4. Escondida Lake project
  5. Substance abuse offices expansion
  6. Detention Center secured yard
  7. Hop Canyon drainage work
  8. Acquisition of two 10-yard dump trucks

A representative from SCCAP and the Socorro Detention Center requested a secured yard outside near the sallyport on the west side of the center. It was mentioned that studies show a decrease in mental health referrals, incidents, and requests for prescription drugs when detainees have access to fresh air, sunshine and exercise. County Manager Michael Hawkes commented that for insurance purposes the construction must be done by certified vendors, and an RFP would be required to get professional input. Hawkes also said that staffing for the facility would have to be considered, but added, “I am totally for the concept.”

Mental health providers presented a number of programs existing in the county that address the commission’s concerns over substance abuse and the alarming rise in overdoses. A resource guide will be published that compiles a wide variety of services available. (An article will appear in next week’s Chieftain with details on that presentation and the guide.)

Jay Ann Cox, El Defensor Chieftain Editor